Friday, December 12, 2008


Michala 005

There’s not much going on in the Grissom house these days.  Everything revolves around Michala, of course!, and not much else gets done.  She does nothing but eat, sleep, poop, and cry and yet those simple tasks seem to take up my entire day.  Our sweet baby wants to be held most of the time, so I am having to learn to accomplish things one handed which can be entertaining at best.

Michala had another checkup yesterday.  She is officially 8 lb 7 oz and 22 inches long.  So she’s packed on just over a pound and is starting to get chubby cheeks and a little “Buda belly.”  I’ll have her porked up in no time!

Michala 005

Thanks to Kathy Bettger for making Michala this beautiful quilt.  You can tell how much she likes it.

Brian 096

Benny & Sully are adjusting to their lower statures on the Grissom totem pole; though not happily sometimes.  Poor Benny hasn’t been on a walk since before the baby was born.  He probably thinks his life is over…  You can always tell when Sully wants attention because he’ll follow you around making sure to always be under your feet making sure that you trip at least once before you finally bend down to pick him up and pet him.  Who knew that cats can be so needy?

Christmas Party 08

Tim’s office Christmas party was last night and became my first outing without Michala (thanks to Jim and Carolyn for babysitting).  The theme was Vegas night so we got to gamble and eat food all night.  We then got to bid on prizes with our winnings.  Thankfully Tim was able to buy an extra day off.  Thanks to all the co-workers who chipped in “money” when the bidding war got totally out of hand.  It was entertaining, but seriously, 5000 “dollars” for a day off?  I’m just thankful that I get to have him at home an extra day!


LeeAnn said...

So, we have been trying to watch this video since the day you wrote this post and have not been successful...

We love the picture where she is laying with her hands straight up :)

apemarie said...

i love the pic of tim with Machala; there is nothing sweeter than daddy with his little girl

The Chronicles of Grissom said...

Sorry, the video was set to 'private.' It should work now.

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