Sunday, November 23, 2008

Michala Has Arrived

At 3:45 Wednesday morning I awoke to Elizabeth’s voice and the sound of dripping water. “I think my water just broke,” she said. I retrieved a towel and informed her “I’m not ready for this.”

Birthing Day 013

We arrived at the hospital just before 6:00 AM and Michala was born at 4:55 PM. She was 7 pounds 4 ounces, 20 1/4 inches long, and quite possibly the cutest baby ever.

Birthing Day 024 Birthing Day 025

Both sets of grandparents arrived shortly after birth along with Aunt Debbie.

Birthing Day 050

We stayed in the hospital overnight and most of Thursday and were finally able to go home around 8:30.


Jeff said...

She doesn't seem to be that loud.

LeeAnn said...

Yay! Welcome to the world of blogging, we have really found that it helps us stay in touch even when people are far away and I am excited to be able to read yours :)

Michala is beautiful and we can't wait to meet her, congratulations!!

mollyb said...

Congratulations, you two! We'll be following your blog! Enjoy the next several weeks of snuggling - before she starts to move her body in ways you don't expect and can't anticipate! We haven't dropped Graham yet ... but at times it seems like he's just ready to be out of our arms!

LeeAnn said...

More pictures please!!

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